© Toni Tejón - FPAC




June 14th and 15th at FPAC – Sabadell Airport

Participants: 15 Max – 6 Min
Any photography or aeronautics amateur. Previous experience is not required.
Applicants must have their own equipment, we recommend a wide angle and a 200mm tele to shoot aircraft in flight.

Schedule on Saturday June 14th
17:00 to 18:30 Training on theory
18:30 to 20:30 Shooting Aircraft in Hangars and eventually at Platform.

Schedule on Sunday June 15th
09:00 to 10:30 Shooting aircraft being moved and placed for static exhibition. Two groups (R2 i R1)
10:30 a 11:30 Review at the Classroom
12:00 a 13:45 Shooting the Aircraft carroussel
14:00 FarewelL

35 € /person* Course Fee including:
2'5 Hours of Theory on Saturday 14th
2 Hours of practice at the FPAC Heritage Aircraft Hangars, on Saturday 14th
2 Hours of works review
Access to Sunday 15th PAC.OBERT as Occasional Benefactor Member
Participating in the draw of a flight on a Classic Airplane.

Andrés Magai and Toni Tejón, Photographers and FPAC Benefactor Volunteer Members. Authors of the 2012 and 2014 FPAC calendar.

Inscription Terms
The inscription must be confirmed before June 13th by cashing €35,00 (*or €30,00 in case of FPAC members) in one of the below listed bank accounts, stating the participant Name, Surname and the FPAC Membership Number, if appliccable.

Banc Sabadell / BSAB ES BB XXX / ES34 0081 5126 1500 0100 3105
Caixabank-La Caixa / CAIX ES BB XXX / ES71 2100 1069 2202 0006 4501

After cashing the workshop fee, please email the Name, Surname, DNI/Passport/Resident Card Number to PACVISITA@GMAIL.COM for the participant to be given access to the airport restricted areas.

In case of cancellation
Should the number of entries be insufficient, the workshop will be cancelled and the deposited fee will be refunded in cash at June 15th PAC.OBERT and the participants will be allowed access to the flying aircraft parking area for a detail shooting session within stated safety instructions.

FPAC - Fundació Parc Aeronàutic de Catalunya NIF-G61449245 – Entitat Benèfica i Cultural inscrita en el Registre de Fundacions Privades de la Generalitat de Catalunya amb el número 1114 Resolució del Conseller de Justícia de 30 d'Octubre de 1997 – –

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